Sunday, December 11, 2011

Something for my little Princess

Few days left before I can finally meet my cute baby Becca again.
So here I am preparing things to put a smile on her.

Her mom loves purple color, and December is quite cold now, I'm sure this one will make and look my Becca very adorable.

This dress comes with a combination of coat and a bag both in white color with some purple flower ornament. By the way, this was given as a gift by one of her Godmother in China.

My little Becca loves Dora so much. With the help of her Mom, she search some good Dora boots in the internet and I bought it online at 80 Rmb.

Isn't lovely? Can't wait to see my toddler wear this :-)

.............Next stuff, for my lovely Grace, oh! today is our Monthsary :-)